Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 30: Rāma and Lakṣmaṇa Protect Viśvāmitra’s Sacrifice
Text 1.30.15-16

पश्य लक्ष्मण दुर्वृत्तान्राक्षसान्पिशिताशनान्।
मानवास्त्रसमाधूताननिलेन यथा घनान्॥

करिष्यामि न सन्देहो नोत्सहे हन्तुमीदृशान्।
इत्युक्त्वा वचनं रामश्चापे सन्धाय वेगवान्॥

paśya lakṣmaṇa durvṛttān rākṣasān piśitāśanān
anilena yathā ghanān

kariṣyāmi na sandeho notsahe hantum īdṛśān
uktvā vacanaṁ rāmaś cāpe sandhāya vegavān

paśya lakṣmaṇa = Lakṣmaṇa, look; durvṛttān = of wicked behavior; rākṣasān = the rākṣasas; piśita-āśanān = the meat-eaters; mānava-astra-samādhūtān = driven away by [My] Mānava weapon; anilena = by the wind; yathā = like; ghanān = clouds driven away; kariṣyāmi = I will make; na sandehaḥ = undoubtedly; na utsahe = I am not inclined; hantum = to kill; īdṛśān = such beings; iti uktvā vacanam = saying these words; rāmaḥ = Rāma; cāpe sandhāya = fixed an arrow on His bowstring; vegavān = quickly.

Lakṣmaṇa, look! Undoubtedly I will make the rākṣasas, the meat-eaters of wicked behavior, driven away by [My] Mānava weapon like clouds driven away by the wind. I am not inclined to kill such beings. Saying these words, Rāma quickly fixed an arrow on His bowstring.

Lord Rāmacandra implies that He will employ the Mānava weapon to agitate the rākṣasas.