एवं वदन्तं तं दृष्ट्वा धनुःप्रवरपाणिनम्।
बालोऽयमिति विज्ञाय तमनादृत्य दुर्मती।
विश्वामित्रस्य तां वेदिं सत्वरावभ्यधावताम्॥
evaṁ vadantaṁ taṁ dṛṣṭvā dhanuḥ-pravara-pāṇinam
bālo ’yam iti vijñāya tam anādṛtya durmatī
viśvāmitrasya tāṁ vediṁ satvarāv abhyadhāvatām
evam vadantam tam dṛṣṭvā = observing Him speaking; dhanuḥ-pravara-pāṇinam = with an excellent bow in His hand; bālaḥ ayam iti vijñāya = considered, “this is a [mere] boy”; tam anādṛtya = and ignored Him; durmatī = the two rākṣasas of evil minds; viśvāmitrasya = of Viśvāmitra; tām vedim = the sacrificial arena; satvarau = quickly; abhyadhāvatām = they rushed towards.
Observing Him speaking thus with an excellent bow in His hand, the two rākṣasas of evil minds considered, “This is a [mere] boy” and ignored Him. They quickly rushed towards the sacrificial arena of Viśvāmitra.