तानुवाच कुशः पुत्रान्धर्मिष्ठान्सत्यवादिनः।
क्रियतां पालनं पुत्रा धर्मं प्राप्स्यथ पुष्कलम्॥
dīpti-yuktān mahotsāhān kṣatra-dharma-cikīrṣayā
tān uvāca kuśaḥ putrān dharmiṣṭhān satya-vādinaḥ
kriyatāṁ pālanaṁ putrā dharmaṁ prāpsyatha puṣkalam
dīpti-yuktān = they were endowed with great brilliance; mahā-utsāhān = great enthusiasm; kṣatra-dharma-cikīrṣayā = with a desire to propagate the kṣatriya-dharma of protecting those born in the kingdom; tān uvāca kuśaḥ putrān = Kuśa told his sons; dharmiṣṭhān = great piety; satya-vādinaḥ = and truthfulness in speech; kriyatām pālanam = please protect those born in the kingdom; putrāḥ = O sons; dharmam = piety; prāpsyatha = by this act, you will attain; puṣkalam fully.
They were endowed with great brilliance, great enthusiasm, great piety and truthfulness in speech. With a desire to propagate the kṣatriya-dharma of protecting those born in the kingdom, Kuśa told his sons: “O sons, please protect those born in the kingdom. By this act, you will fully attain piety.”