Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 33: Kuśanābha’s Daughters marry Brahmadatta
Text 1.33.10

विसृज्य कन्याः काकुत्स्थ राजा त्रिदशविक्रमः।
मन्त्रज्ञो मन्त्रयामास प्रदानं सह मन्त्रिभिः।
देशकालौ प्रदानस्य सदृशे प्रतिपादनम्॥

visṛjya kanyāḥ kākutstha rājā tridaśa-vikramaḥ
mantrayām āsa pradānaṁ saha mantribhiḥ
pradānasya sadṛśe pratipādanam

visṛjya kanyāḥ = having sent away his daughters; kākutstha = O Kākutstha; rājā = the king; tridaśa-vikramaḥ = who had been victorious over the demigods; mantrajñaḥ = and who was a knower of good counsel; mantrayām āsa = discussed; pradānam = about the marriage of his daughters; saha mantribhiḥ = with his ministers; deśa-kālau = in accordance with place and time; pradānasya sadṛśe pratipādanam = and how to go about and giving them in charity to an appropriate candidate.

O descendant of Kākutstha, having sent away his daughters, the king who had been victorious over the demigods and who was a knower of good counsel discussed with his ministers about the marriage of his daughters and how to go about giving them in charity to an appropriate candidate in accordance with place and time.

The last line reveals his way of thinking.