Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 33: Kuśanābha’s Daughters marry Brahmadatta
Text 1.33.8

दुष्करं तद्धि वः क्षान्तं त्रिदशेषु विशेषतः।
यादृशीः वः क्षमा पुत्र्यः सर्वासामविशेषतः॥

duṣkaraṁ tad dhi vaḥ kṣāntaṁ tridaśeṣu viśeṣataḥ
vaḥ kṣamā putryaḥ sarvāsām aviśeṣataḥ

duṣkaram = difficult to come above; tat = the; hi = indeed; vaḥ = by you; kṣāntam = forgiveness exhibited; tridaśeṣu = on the demigods; viśeṣataḥ = especially; yādṛśīḥ = as you have exhibited now [is even more difficult to come about]; vaḥ = of you; kṣamā = forgiveness; putryaḥ = oh daughters; sarvāsām = of all; aviśeṣataḥ = the unanimous.

O my daughters, the way you have demonstrated forgiveness without any discrimination is rare even for demigods.

“Your forgiveness is specifically difficult to obtain even for the demigods, who are endowed with beauty and opulence. That forgiveness which all of you, without exception, have exhibited is very rarely attained. Forgiveness itself is rarely attained. On top of it, forgiveness of demigods is rarely attained. On top of it, forgiveness by all of you uniformly is certainly very difficult to attain.” These were the thoughts of the king.