Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 34: Satyavatī, Viśvāmitra’s Elder Sister
Text 1.34.22

इति तैर्मुनिशार्दूलैः प्रशस्तः कुशिकात्मजः।
निद्रामुपागमच्छ्रीमानस्तं गत इवांशुमान्॥

iti tair muni-śārdūlaiḥ praśastaḥ kuśikātmajaḥ
upāgamac chrīmān astaṁ gata ivāṁśumān

iti = thus; taiḥ = those; muni-śārdūlaiḥ = best of sages; praśastaḥ = glorified; kuśika-ātmajaḥ = the son of Kuśika; nidrām = to sleep; upāgamat = went; śrīmān = the auspicious; astam gataḥ = the setting; iva = like; aṁśumān = sun.

Glorifed by those best of sages, the auspicious son of Kuśika went to sleep like the setting sun.

Śrīmān indicates that the sage Viśvāmitra was happy like the setting sun. He was not able to enlighten others.