Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 35: The History of Gaṅga
Text 1.35.15

शैलेन्द्रो हिमवान्नाम धातूनामाकरो महान्।
तस्य कन्याद्वयं राम रूपेणाप्रतिमं भुवि॥

śailendro himavān nāma dhātūnām ākaro mahān
kanyā-dvayaṁ rāma rūpeṇāpratimaṁ bhuvi

śaila-indraḥ = there is a great mountain; himavān = Himavān; nāma = named; dhātūnām = of valuable minerals such as iron and copper; ākaraḥ = mine; mahān = a great; tasya = the presiding deity of that mountain had; kanyā-dvayam = three daughters; rāma = O Rāma; rūpeṇa apratimam = whose beauty was unrivalled; bhuvi = on earth.

There is a great mountain named Himavān, a great mine of valuable minerals such as iron and copper. The presiding deity of that mountain had two daughters whose beauty was unrivalled on earth.