Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 36: Umā Curses the Demigods
Text 1.36.11
देवदेव महादेव लोकस्यास्य हिते रत।
सुराणां प्रणिपातेन प्रसादं कर्तुमर्हसि॥
deva-deva mahādeva lokasyāsya hite rata
surāṇāṁ praṇipātena prasādaṁ kartum arhasi
deva-deva = O god of gods; mahādeva = O Mahādeva; lokasya = of world; asya = this; hite = in the welfare; rata = you are absorbed; surāṇām praṇipātena = for the demigods have fallen at your feet; prasādam = your mercy; kartum arhasi = you should bestow.
O Mahādeva, O god of gods, you are absorbed in the welfare of this world. You should bestow your mercy upon the demigods who have fallen at your feet.
The meaning of mahādeva is conveyed by the word deva-deva (“O god of gods”).