Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 36: Umā Curses the Demigods
Text 1.36.21
अथोमां च शिवं चैव देवाः सर्षिगणास्तदा।
पूजयामासुरत्यर्थं सुप्रीतमनसस्ततः॥
athomāṁ ca śivaṁ caiva devāḥ sarṣi-gaṇās tadā
pūjayām āsur atyarthaṁ suprīta-manasas tataḥ
atha = then; umām ca = Umā; śivam ca eva = and Śiva; devāḥ = the demigods; sa-ṛṣi-gaṇāḥ tadā = and the sages; pūjayām āsuḥ = worshipped; atyartham = fervently; suprīta-manasaḥ tataḥ = with delighted minds.
Then, the demigods and the sages, with delighted minds, fervently worshipped Umā and Śiva.
The demigods worshipped Umā and Śiva to pacify them from the anger they caused by interrupting their union.