एवं मन्मथयुद्धे तु तयोर्नासीत्पराजयः।
न चापि तनयो राम तस्यामासीत्परन्तप।
धीमतो देवराजस्य रुद्रस्यापि महात्मनः॥
evaṁ manmatha-yuddhe tu tayor nāsīt parājayaḥ
na cāpi tanayo rāma tasyām āsīt parantapa
dhīmato deva-rājasya rudrasyāpi mahātmanaḥ
evam = in that; manmatha-yuddhe tu = war of love; tayoḥ na = neither of them; asīt = experienced; parājayaḥ = defeat; na ca api = nor; tanayaḥ = was a son; rāma = O Rāma; tasyām = from her; āsīt = born; parantapa = O destroyer of enemies; dhīmataḥ = of the intelligent; deva-rājasya = king of the devas; rudrasya api = Rudra; mahā-ātmanaḥ = the great soul.
O Rāma, destroyer of enemies, while Lord Śiva and goddess Umā were absorbed in the war of love, neither experienced defeat, nor did the intelligent king of the devas, the great soul Rudra, release his semen by which a son would be born.