Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 37: The History of Skanda
Text 1.37.2
ततोऽब्रुवन्सुराः सर्वे भगवन्तं पितामहम्।
प्रणिपत्य सुराः सर्वे सेन्द्राः साग्निपुरोगमाः॥
tato ’bruvan surāḥ sarve bhagavantaṁ pitāmaham
praṇipatya surāḥ sarve sendrāḥ sāgni-purogamāḥ
tataḥ = then; abruvan = spoke as follows; surāḥ sarve = all the demigods; bhagavantam pitāmaham = unto Lord Brahmā, the grandfather of the universe; praṇipatya = offered their obeisances; surāḥ sarve = and all the demigods; sa-indrāḥ = Indra and; sa-agni-purogamāḥ = keeping Agni in front.
Keeping Agni in front, Indra and all the demigods then offered their obeisances unto Lord Brahmā, the grandfather of the universe, and spoke as follows.