Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 37: The History of Skanda
Text 1.37.5
यदत्रानन्तरं कार्यं लोकानां हितकाम्यया।
संविधत्स्व विधानज्ञ त्वं हि नः परमा गतिः॥
yad atrānantaraṁ kāryaṁ lokānāṁ hita-kāmyayā
saṁvidhatsva vidhāna-jña tvaṁ hi naḥ paramā gatiḥ
yat atra anantaram kāryam = which is to be done next in this regard; lokānām = of the worlds; hita-kāmyayā = for the benefit; saṁvidhatsva = please arrange for that; vidhānajña = you know what should be done; tvam hi = you are indeed; naḥ = our; paramā = supreme; gatiḥ = shelter.
Please consider what else can be done for the welfare of the worlds, for you know what should be done and, indeed, you are our ultimate shelter.
The demigods wanted Lord Brahmā to appoint that person who was to take birth as their commander-in-chief as their commander-in-chief. If that was not possible, they wanted Lord Brahmā to generate another person to carry out this task.