Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 38: The History of Sagara
Text 1.38.5
ताभ्यां सह तथा राजा पत्नीभ्यां तप्तवांस्तपः।
हिमवन्तं समासाद्य भृगुप्रस्रवणे गिरौ॥
tābhyāṁ saha tathā rājā patnībhyāṁ taptavāṁs tapaḥ
himavantaṁ samāsādya bhṛgu-prasravaṇe girau
tābhyām saha = accompanied by; tathā rājā = the king; patnībhyām = with his wives; taptavān = performed; tapaḥ = austerities; himavantam = the Himalayas; samāsādya = reached and; bhṛgu-prasravaṇe girau = on the mountain that borderd Bhṛgu’s water fall.
Accompanied by his wives, the king reached the Himalayas and performed austerities on a mountain that bordered Bhṛgu’s waterfall.