Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 38: The History of Sagara
Text 1.38.6

अथ वर्षशते पूर्णे तपसाराधितो मुनिः।
सगराय वरं प्रादाद्भृगुः सत्यवतां वरः॥

atha varṣa-śate pūrṇe tapasārādhito muniḥ
varaṁ prādād bhṛguḥ satyavatāṁ varaḥ

atha varṣa-śate pūrṇe = after one hundred years of austerities; tapasā = by their austerities; arādhitaḥ = satisfied; muniḥ = Muni; sagarāya = to Sagara; varam = a benediction; prādāt = granted; bhṛguḥ = Bhṛgu; satyavatām = of truthful; varaḥ = the best.

After one hundred years of austerities, Bhṛgu Muni, the best of the truthful, satisfied by their austerities, granted a benediction to Sagara.