Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 39: Sagara’s Sons Search for the Sacrificial Horse
Text 1.39.20

नागानां वध्यमानानामसुराणां च राघव।
राक्षसानां च दुर्धर्षः सत्त्वानां निनदोऽभवत्॥

nāgānāṁ vadhyamānānām asurāṇāṁ ca rāghava
ca durdharṣaḥ sattvānāṁ ninado ’bhavat

nāgānām = of the snakes; vadhyamānānām = who were being killed [while digging]; asurāṇām ca = asuras; rāghava = O Rāghava; rākṣasānām = rākṣasas; ca = and [other]; durdharṣaḥ = terrible to hear; sattvānām = creatures ninadaḥ = the dreadful cries; abhavat = were.

O Rāghava, the dreadful cries of the snakes, asuras, rākṣasas and [other] creatures who were being killed [while digging] were terrible to hear.

Asuras and rākṣasas live in Pātāla.