Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 39: Sagara’s Sons Search for the Sacrificial Horse
Text 1.39.21

योजनानां सहस्राणि षष्टिं तु रघुनन्दन।
बिभिदुर्धरणीं वीरा रसातलमनुत्तमम्॥

yojanānāṁ sahasrāṇi ṣaṣṭiṁ tu raghu-nandana
dharaṇīṁ vīrā rasātalam anuttamam

yojanānām = yojanas; sahasrāṇi ṣaṣṭim tu = sixty thousands; raghu-nandana = O beloved child of the Raghus; bibhiduḥ = pierced through; dharaṇīm = of earth; vīrāḥ = the heroic warriors; rasātalam = rasātala; anuttamam = until the reached the excellent.

O beloved child of the Raghus, the heroic warriors pierced through 60,000 yojanas of earth until they reached the excellent Rasātala.