Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 40: Lord Kapila Punishes Sagara’s Sons
Text 1.40.11

भूयः खनत भद्रं वो निर्भिद्य वसुधातलम्।
अश्वहर्तारम् आसाद्य कृतार्थाश्च निवर्तथ॥

bhūyaḥ khanata bhadraṁ vo nirbhidya vasudhā-talam
āsādya kṛtārthāś ca nivartatha

bhūyaḥ = again; khanata = dig; bhadram vaḥ = may there be auspiciousness unto you; nirbhidya = dig through; vasudhā-talam = the surface of earth; aśva-hartāram = the person who stole horse; āsādya = get; kṛta-arthāḥ ca = and after accomplishing the mission; nivartathā = return.

Dig again. May there be auspiciousness unto you. Dig through the surface of earth, get the person who stole the horse, and return after accomplishing the mission.