Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 40: Lord Kapila Punishes Sagara’s Sons
Text 1.40.22

उत्तरस्यां रघुश्रेष्ठ ददृशुर्हिमपाण्डुरम्।
भद्रं भद्रेण वपुषा धारयन्तं महीमिमाम्॥

uttarasyāṁ raghu-śreṣṭha dadṛśur hima-pāṇḍuram
bhadreṇa vapuṣā dhārayantaṁ mahīm imām

uttarasyām = in the northern region; raghu-śreṣṭha = O best of the Raghus; dadṛśuḥ = they saw; hima-pāṇḍuram = the whitish; bhadram = Bhadra; bhadreṇa vapuṣā = with its auspicious body; dhārayantam = holding up; mahīm imām = the earth.

O best of the Raghus, they saw the whitish Bhadra in the northern region, holding up the earth with its auspicious body.