Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 40: Lord Kapila Punishes Sagara’s Sons
Text 1.40.24

ततः प्रागुत्तरां गत्वा सागराः प्रथितां दिशम्।
रोषादभ्यखनन्सर्वे पृथिवीं सगरात्मजाः॥

tataḥ prāg-uttarāṁ gatvā sāgarāḥ prathitāṁ diśam
abhyakhanan sarve pṛthivīṁ sagarātmajāḥ

tataḥ = then; prāg-uttarām = north east; gatvā = west; sāgarāḥ = the sons of Sagara; prathitām diśam = to the celebrated; roṣāt = angrily; abhyakhanan = dug through; sarve = all; pṛthivīm = the earth; sagara-ātmajāḥ = the sons of Sagara.

The sons of Sagara went to the celebrated north-east. All the sons of Sagara then angrily dug through the earth.

The north-eastern direction was celebrated for the wandering of the horse.