Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 40: Lord Kapila Punishes Sagara’s Sons
Text 1.40.9

न च पश्यामहेऽश्वं तमश्वहर्तारमेव च।
किं करिष्याम भद्रं ते बुद्धिरत्र विचार्यताम्॥

na ca paśyāmahe ’śvaṁ tam aśva-hartāram eva ca
kariṣyāma bhadraṁ te buddhir atra vicāryatām

na ca paśyāmahe aśvam = we could not find the horse; tam aśva-hartāram eva ca = or the one who stole the horse; kim kariṣyāma = what should we do now; bhadram te = may there be auspiciousness unto you; buddhiḥ atra vicāryatām = please think about this.

We could not find the horse or the one who stole the horse. May there be auspiciousness unto you. Please think about this.