Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 41: Aṁśumān Searches for His Uncles and the Horse
Text 1.41.2

शूरश्च कृतविद्यश्च पूर्वैस्तुल्योऽसि तेजसा।
पितॄणां गतिमन्विच्छ येन चाश्वोऽपवाहितः॥

śūraś ca kṛta-vidyaś ca pūrvais tulyo ’si tejasā
gatim anviccha yena cāśvo ’pavāhitaḥ

śūraḥ ca = heroic; kṛta-vidyaḥ = educated; ca = and; pūrvaiḥ = to your predecessors; tulyaḥ = equal; asi = you are; tejasā = in prowess; pitṝṇām = of your younger father; gatim = the movements; anviccha = find out; yena = the one; ca = and; aśvaḥ = the horse; apavāhitaḥ = who stole.

You are heroic, educated and equal to your predecessors in prowess. Find out the movements of your younger fathers and the one who stole the horse.

Pūrvaiḥ indicates that Aṁśumān was equal to his predecessors, that is, his younger fathers.1

1 Aṁśumān’s “younger fathers” were the younger brothers of his fathers who are meant to be respected like his father.