Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 42: Bhagīratha’s Austerities for Gaṅgā’s Descent
Text 1.42.21

देया च सन्ततिर्देव नावसीदेत्कुलं च नः।
इक्ष्वाकूणां कुले देव एष मेऽस्तु वरः परः॥

deyā ca santatir deva nāvasīdet kulaṁ ca naḥ
kule deva eṣa me ’stu varaḥ paraḥ

deyā ca santatiḥ = please give offspring; deva = O Lord; na avasīdet kulam ca naḥ = so that our dynasty does not breakup; ikṣvākūṇām kule = who have taken birth in the dynasty of Ikṣvāku; deva = O Lord; eṣaḥ me astu varaḥ paraḥ = it is another benediction sought by me.

O Lord, please give me offspring so that our dynasty does not break up. O Lord, this is another benediction sought by me who have taken birth in the dynasty of Ikṣvāku.

It was mentioned [earlier in this chapter] that Bhagīratha was desirous of children.