Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 42: Bhagīratha’s Austerities for Gaṅgā’s Descent
Text 1.42.5

दिलीपस्तु महातेजाः श्रुत्वा पैतामहं वधम्।
दुःखोपहतया बुद्ध्या निश्चयं नाध्यगच्छत॥

dilīpas tu mahā-tejāḥ śrutvā paitāmahaṁ vadham
buddhyā niścayaṁ nādhyagacchata

dilīpaḥ tu = Dilīpa; mahā-tejāḥ = of great prowess; śrutvā = upon hearing; paitāmaham vadham = of the unnatural death of his grandfathers; duḥkha-upahatayā buddhyā = for his intelligent was perturbed by sarrow; niścayam na adhyagacchata = could not reach a conclusion [on how to bring Gaṅgā to earth].

Upon hearing of the unnatural death of his grandfathers, Dilīpa of great prowess could not reach a conclusion [on how to bring Gaṅgā to earth], for his intelligence was perturbed by sorrow.

Dilīpa was perturbed by sorrow because his father had performed austerities [to bring Gaṅgā to deliver the sons of Sagara] and yet he was unable to deliver them.