Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 43: Gaṅgā Descends to the Earth
Text 1.43.11

सा कथञ्चित्महीं गन्तुं नाशक्नोद्यत्नमास्थिता।
नैव निर्गमनं लेभे जटामण्डलमोहिता॥

kathañcit mahīṁ gantuṁ nāśaknod yatnam āsthitā
nirgamanaṁ lebhe jaṭā-maṇḍala-mohitā

= she; kathañcit = at all; mahīm = the earth; gantum = reach; na = not; aśaknot = could; yatnam āsthitā = despite her efforts; na eva = unable; nirgamanam = to get out; lebhe = she was; jaṭā-maṇḍala-mohitā = bewildered by Lord Śiva’s matted lock.

Despite her efforts, she could not at all reach the earth. Bewildered by Lord Śiva’s matted lock, she was unable to get out.