Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 43: Gaṅgā Descends to the Earth
Text 1.43.28
सलिलेनैव सलिलं क्वचिदभ्याहतं पुनः।
मुहुरूर्ध्वमुखं गत्वा पपात वसुधातलम्॥
salilenaiva salilaṁ kvacid abhyāhataṁ punaḥ
muhur ūrdhva-mukhaṁ gatvā papāta vasudhā-talam
salilena eva = against itself; salilam = the water; kvacit = sometimes; abhyāhatam punaḥ = splashed; muhuḥ = and; ūrdhva-mukham gatvā = sometimes, it went up; papāta = then fell; vasudhā-talam = on the surface of the earth.
Sometimes, the water splashed against itself. Sometimes, it went up and then fell on the surface of the earth.
The water sometimes splashed against its own waves.