Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 43: Gaṅgā Descends to the Earth
Text 1.43.29
तच्छङ्करशिरोभ्रष्टं भूमितले पुनः।
व्यरोचत तदा तोयं निर्मलं गतकल्मषम्॥
tac chaṅkara-śiro-bhraṣṭaṁ bhūmi-tale punaḥ
vyarocata tadā toyaṁ nirmalaṁ gata-kalmaṣam
tat = that; śaṅkara-śiraḥ-bhraṣṭam = that had fallen on Lord Śaṅkara’s head; bhūmi-tale = fell on the earth’s surface; punaḥ = again; vyarocata = and shone brightly; tadā = then; toyam = water; nirmalam = spotless; gata-kalmaṣam = devoid of contamination.
Then that spotless water devoid of contamination that had fallen on Lord Śaṅkara’s head again fell on the earth’s surface and shone brightly.
Gata-kalmaṣam indicates that Gaṅgā could remove sinful reactions.