Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 43: Gaṅgā Descends to the Earth
Text 1.43.3

अथ संवत्सरे पूर्णे सर्वलोकनमस्कृतः।
उमापतिः पशुपती राजानमिदमब्रवीत्॥

atha saṁvatsare pūrṇe sarva-loka-namaskṛtaḥ
paśu-patī rājānam idam abravīt

atha = after; saṁvatsare = a year; pūrṇe = had completed; sarva-loka-namaskṛtaḥ = who is respected by all the worlds; umā-patiḥ = the husband of Umā; paśu-patiḥ = Paśupati Śiva; rājānam = to the king; idam abravīt = spoke the following words.

After a year had completed, Paśupati Śiva, who is respected by all the worlds, the husband of Umā, spoke the following words to the king.

The word umā-patiḥ acknowledges that Lord Śiva appeared along with Umā.