Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 44: Bhagīratha Delivers his Uncles
Text 1.44.19

प्रमुमोद च लोकस्तं नृपमासाद्य राघव।
नष्टशोकः समृद्धार्थो बभूव विगतज्वरः॥

pramumoda ca lokas taṁ nṛpam āsādya rāghava
samṛddhārtho babhūva vigata-jvaraḥ

pramumoda ca = were joyous; lokaḥ = the people [in his kingdom]; tam nṛpam = of their king; āsādya = on the return; rāghavaḥ = O descendant of Raghu; naṣṭa-śokaḥ = their sorrow destroyed; samṛddha-arthaḥ = and purposes fulfilled; babhūva = they became; vigata-jvaraḥ = free from diseases.

O descendant of Raghu, the people [in his kingdom] were joyous on the return of their king. Their sorrow destroyed and purposes fulfilled, they became free from diseases.