Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 45: The Churning of the Milk Ocean
Text 1.45.31-32

उदतिष्ठत्स धर्मात्मा आयुर्वेदमयः पुमान्॥
अथ वर्षसहस्रेण सदण्डः सकमण्डलुः।
पूर्वं धन्वन्तरिर्नाम अप्सराश्च सुवर्चसः॥

udatiṣṭhat sa dharmātmā āyurvedamayaḥ pumān
varṣa-sahasreṇa sadaṇḍaḥ sakamaṇḍaluḥ
dhanvantarir nāma apsarāś ca suvarcasaḥ

udatiṣṭhat = appeared from the ocean; saḥ = the; dharma-ātmā = He is the soul of dharma; āyurvedamayaḥ = He was filled with knowledge of Āyurveda; pumān = person; atha varṣa-sahasreṇa = after a thousand years; sa-daṇḍaḥ = and He held a stick; sa-kamaṇḍaluḥ = and a kamaṇḍalu; pūrvam = first; dhanvantariḥ = Dhanvantari; nāma = named; apsarāḥ = apsarās appeared from the ocean; ca = then; suvarcasaḥ = the very brilliant.

After a thousand years, the person named Dhanvantari appeared from the ocean first. He is the soul of dharma. He was filled with knowledge of Āyurveda, and He held a stick and a kamaṇḍalu. Then the very brilliant apsarās appeared from the ocean.