Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 47: King Sumati Approaches Viśvāmitra
Text 1.47.10

एष देशः स काकुत्स्थ महेन्द्राध्युषितः पुरा।
दितिं यत्र तपःसिद्धामेवं परिचचार सः॥

eṣa deśaḥ sa kākutstha mahendrādhyuṣitaḥ purā
yatra tapaḥ-siddhām evaṁ paricacāra saḥ

eṣaḥ deśaḥ saḥ = this is the place; kākutstha = O descendant of Kakutstha; maha-indra-adhyuṣitaḥ = occupied by the great Indra; purā = formerly; ditim = Diti; yatra = the place where; tapaḥ-siddhām = who had become perfect through her austerities; evam paricacāra saḥ = he menially served.

O descendant of Kakutstha, this is the place formerly occupied by the great Indra, the place where he menially served Diti who had become perfect through her austerities.

This concludes the discussion so far.