Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 47: King Sumati Approaches Viśvāmitra
Text 1.47.12

तेन चासीदिह स्थाने विशालेति पुरी कृता।
विशालस्य सुतो राम हेमचन्द्रो महाबलः॥

tena cāsīd iha sthāne viśāleti purī kṛtā
suto rāma hemacandro mahā-balaḥ

tena ca = by him; asīt = was; iha sthāne = in this place; viśāla iti = named Viśālā; purī = a city; kṛtā = constructed; viśālasya = Viśāla’s; sutaḥ = son; rāma = O Rāma; hemacandraḥ = was Hemacandra; mahā-balaḥ = of great strength.

A city named Viśālā was constructed by him in this place. O Rāma, Viśāla’s son was Hemacandra of great strength.