Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 47: King Sumati Approaches Viśvāmitra
Text 1.47.2

ममापराधाद्गर्भोऽयं सप्तधा विफलीकृतः।
नापराधोऽस्ति तवात्र देवेश तवात्र बलसूदन॥

mamāparādhād garbho ’yaṁ saptadhā viphalīkṛtaḥ
’sti deveśa tavātra bala-sūdana

mama = my; aparādhāt = because of offense; garbhaḥ = the child; ayam = in my womb; saptadhā = into seven pieces; viphalīkṛtaḥ = has been sliced; na = not; aparādhaḥ = any offense; asti = have committed; deva-īśa = O Lord of the devas; tava = you; atra = in this regard; bala-sūdana = O destroyer of strength.

Because of my offense, the child in my womb has been sliced into seven pieces. O Lord of the devas, O destroyer of strength, you have not committed any offense in this regard.

Diti’s offense was that she was inattentive [and so was overcome by sleep while in an unclean condition].