Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 48: Gautama Curses Ahalyā
Text 1.48.19

ऋतुकालं प्रतीक्षन्ते नार्थिनः सुसमाहिते।
सङ्गमं त्वहमिच्छामि त्वया सह सुमध्यमे॥

ṛtu-kālaṁ pratīkṣante nārthinaḥ susamāhite
tv aham icchāmi tvayā saha sumadhyame

ṛtu-kālam = for the seasonal period [for sexual activity]; pratīkṣante = do wait; na = not; arthinaḥ = lusty men; su-samāhite = O most beautiful lady; saṅgamam tu aham icchāmi tvayā saha = I desire to unite with you; su-madhyame = O slender-waisted woman.

O most beautiful lady, lusty men do not wait for the seasonal period [for sexual activity]. O slender-waisted woman, I desire to unite with you.

The seasonal period [for sexual activity] refers to the women’s period of sixteen nights [after their menses]. It is understood from this statement that Ahalyā had barred him from advancing further towards her by telling him that it was then out of her seasonal period. Susamāhite indicates that Ahalyā was perfectly constructed by Lord Brahmā as an extremely beautiful lady.