Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 48: Gautama Curses Ahalyā
Text 1.48.28

अथ दृष्ट्वा सहस्राक्षं मुनिवेषधरं मुनिः।
दुर्वृत्तं वृत्तसम्पन्नो रोषाद्वचनमब्रवीत्॥

atha dṛṣṭvā sahasrākṣaṁ muni-veṣadharaṁ muniḥ
vṛtta-sampanno roṣād vacanam abravīt

atha dṛṣṭvā sahasra-akṣam = seeing the thousand-eyed Indra; muni-veṣadharam = disguised as the sage; muniḥ = Gautama Muni; durvṛttam = to Indra of evil character; vṛtta-sampannaḥ = endowed with good character; roṣāt = out of anger; vacanam = the following words; abravīt = spoke.

Seeing the thousand-eyed Indra disguised as the sage, Gautama Muni, endowed with good character, spoke the following words out of anger to Indra of evil character.

Sage Gautama noticed that Indra was dressed like himself.