Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 48: Gautama Curses Ahalyā
Text 1.48.31
व्यथितः सहसा चासीद्धतौजसा विफलीकृतः।
धर्षितस्तपसोग्रेण कश्मलं चैवमाविशत्॥
vyathitaḥ sahasā cāsīd dhataujasā viphalī-kṛtaḥ
dharṣitas tapasogreṇa kaśmalaṁ caivam āviśat
vyathitaḥ = and therefore pained at heart; sahasā ca = he suddenly; asīt = became; hata-ojasā = his prowess was destroyed; viphalī-kṛtaḥ = incapable of [sexual] enjoyment; dharṣitaḥ = assaulted; tapasā = austerity; ugreṇa = by [the power of] fierce; kaśmalam ca evam āviśat = thus. he became contaminated.
Assaulted by [the power of] fierce austerity, his prowess was destroyed. He suddenly became incapable of [sexual] enjoyment, and therefore pained at heart. Thus. he became contaminated.