Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 50: King Janaka Meets Viśvāmitra
Text 1.50.2

रामस्तु मुनिशार्दूलमुवाच सहलक्ष्मणः।
साध्वी यज्ञसमृद्धिर्हि जनकस्य महात्मनः॥

rāmas tu muni-śārdūlam uvāca saha-lakṣmaṇaḥ
yajña-samṛddhir hi janakasya mahātmanaḥ

rāmaḥ tu = Rāma; muni-śārdūlam = that tiger among sages; uvāca = told; saha-lakṣmaṇaḥ = and Lakṣmaṇa; sādhvī = excellent; yajña-samṛddhiḥ = the resources procured for the performance of this sacrifice; hi = are indeed; janakasya = Janaka; mahā-ātmanaḥ = of the great soul.

Rāma and Lakṣmaṇa told that tiger among sages: The resources procured for the performance of this sacrifice of the great soul Janaka are indeed excellent.