Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 52: Śabalā, Vasiṣṭha’s Wish-fulfilling Cow
Text 1.52.13
आतिथ्यं कर्तुमिच्छामि बलस्यास्य महाबल।
तव चैवाप्रमेयस्य यथार्हं सम्प्रतीच्छ मे॥
ātithyaṁ kartum icchāmi balasyāsya mahā-bala
tava caivāprameyasya yathārhaṁ sampratīccha me
ātithyam kartum icchāmi = I desire to host; balasya asya = your army; mahā-bala = O greatly powerful one; tava = you; ca eva = and; aprameyasya = of immeasurable power; yathā-arham = a ppropriately; sampratīccha me = please accept my hospitality.
O greatly powerful one, I desire to appropriately host you of immeasurable power and your army. Please accept my hospitality.