Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 52: Śabalā, Vasiṣṭha’s Wish-fulfilling Cow
Text 1.52.23
रसेनान्नेन पानेन लेह्यचोष्येण संयुतम्।
अन्नानां निचयं सर्वं सृजस्व शबले त्वर॥
rasenānnena pānena lehya-coṣyeṇa saṁyutam
annānāṁ nicayaṁ sarvaṁ sṛjasva śabale tvara
rasena = with fruit squash; annena = dry foods like śaṣkulī and fried grains; pānena = juices such as pānaka; lehya-coṣyeṇa = items that can be licked like honey and items that can be sucked like yoghurt; saṁyutam = with; annānām = rice such as śāli; nicayam = heaps of; sarvam = all kinds of; sṛjasva = create; śabale = O Śabalā; tvara = quickly.
O Śabalā, quickly create heaps of all kinds of rice such as śāli with fruit squash, dry foods like śaṣkulī and fried grains, juices such as pānaka, items that can be licked like honey and items that can be sucked like yoghurt.
Rasena refers to rasāyanas (thick juices). The food was of six varieties: those that can be eaten, chewed, licked, sucked, drunk and tasted.