Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 52: Śabalā, Vasiṣṭha’s Wish-fulfilling Cow
Text 1.52.6

सुखोपविष्टं राजानं विश्वामित्रं महातपाः।
पप्रच्छ जपतां श्रेष्ठो वसिष्ठो ब्रह्मणः सुतः॥

sukhopaviṣṭaṁ rājānaṁ viśvāmitraṁ mahā-tapāḥ
japatāṁ śreṣṭho vasiṣṭho brahmaṇaḥ sutaḥ

sukha-upaviṣṭam = who was comfortably seated; rājānam = king; viśvāmitram = Viśvāmitra; mahā-tapāḥ = of great austerity; papraccha = then asked as follows; japatām śreṣṭhaḥ = the best of mantra reciters; vasiṣṭhaḥ = Vasiṣṭha; brahmaṇaḥ sutaḥ = Brahmā’s son.

Then Brahmā’s son, Vasiṣṭha of great austerity, the best of mantra reciters, asked King Viśvāmitra who was comfortably seated as follows.