Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 53: Śabalā Feeds King Viśvāmitra and his Entourage
Text 1.53.1-4

एवमुक्ता वसिष्ठेन शबला शत्रुसूदन।
विदधे कामधुक्कामान्यस्य यस्य यथेप्सितम्॥

इक्षून्मधूंस्तथा लाजान्मैरेयांश्च वरासवान्।
पानानि च महार्हाणि भक्ष्यांश्चोच्चावचांस्तथा॥

उष्णाढ्यस्यौदनस्यात्र राशयः पर्वतोपमाः।
मृष्टान्नानि च सूपाश्च दधिकुल्यास्तथैव च॥

नानास्वादुरसानां च षाडवानां तथैव च।
भोजनानि सुपूर्णानि गौडानि च सहस्रशः॥

evam uktā vasiṣṭhena śabalā śatru-sūdana
kāmadhuk kāmān yasya yasya yathepsitam

ikṣūn madhūṁs tathā lājān maireyāṁś ca varāsavān
ca mahārhāṇi bhakṣyāṁś coccāvacāṁs tathā

uṣṇāḍhyasyaudanasyātra rāśayaḥ parvatopamāḥ
ca sūpāś ca dadhi-kulyās tathaiva ca

nānā-svādu-rasānāṁ ca ṣāḍavānāṁ tathaiva ca
supūrṇāni gauḍāni ca sahasraśaḥ

evam uktā vasiṣṭhena = thus addressed by Vasiṣṭha; śabalā = Śabalā; śatru-sūdana = O destroyer of enemies; vidadhe = provided; kāmadhuk = that bestower of all that was desired; kāmān yasya yasya yathā-īpsitam = everything that was desired by everyone; ikṣūn = sugarcanes; madhūn tathā = varieties of honey; lājān = fried rice; maireyān ca vara-āsavān = excellent maireya drinks; pānāni ca mahā arhāṇi = costly drinks; bhakṣyān ca ucca-avacān tathā = and various eatables; uṣṇa-āḍhyasya-odanasya = of hot and first-class rice; atra rāśayaḥ = there were heaps; parvata-upamāḥ = resembling hills; mṛṣṭa-annāni ca = pāyasa sweet rice of different kinds; sūpāḥ ca = soups; dadhi-kulyāḥ tathā eva ca = rivers of yoghurt; nānā-svādu-rasānām ca = with a variety of tasty liquids; ṣāḍavānām tathā eva ca = and foods in the six tastes; bhojanāni = eatables; supūrṇāni = completely filled; gauḍāni ca sahasraśaḥ = and thousands of sweets made from mollasses.

O destroyer of enemies, thus addressed by Vasiṣṭha, that bestower of all that was desired, Śabalā, provided everything that was desired by everyone: sugarcanes, varieties of honey, fried rice, excellent maireya drinks, costly drinks, and various eatables. There were heaps of hot and first-class rice resembling hills, pāyasa sweet rice of different kinds, soups, rivers of yoghurt, eatables completely filled with a variety of tasty liquids and foods in the six tastes, and thousands of sweets made from mollasses.[1]

This chapter describes Viśvāmitra beseeching Vasiṣṭha to give him his wish-fulfilling cow Śabalā.

Pānāni indicates that Śabalā provided costly drinks like the pānaka. The “ordinary and extraordinary eatables” she provided were a sort of apūpa cakes.

maireyam āsavo dhātrī-dhātakī-guḍa-vāribhiḥ (Vaijayantī). uccāvacaṁ naika-bhedam (Amara).