Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 53: Śabalā Feeds King Viśvāmitra and his Entourage
Text 1.53.15

स्वाहाकारवषट्कारौ विद्याश्च विविधास्तथा।
आयत्तमत्र राजर्षे सर्वमेतन्न संशयः॥

svāhākāra-vaṣaṭkārau vidyāś ca vividhās tathā
atra rāja-rṣe sarvam etan na saṁśayaḥ

Vasiṣṭha achieved purification of mind, satisfaction of his vital airs, bodily strength and so on by consuming the milk and other dairy products from Śabalā. Therefore, he was undoubtedly dependent on her in so many ways.