Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 53: Śabalā Feeds King Viśvāmitra and his Entourage
Text 1.53.7

सामात्यो मन्त्रिसहितः सभृत्यः पूजितस्तदा।
युक्तः परमहर्षेण वसिष्ठमिदमब्रवीत्॥

sāmātyo mantri-sahitaḥ sabhṛtyaḥ pūjitas tadā
parama-harṣeṇa vasiṣṭham idam abravīt

sa-amātyaḥ = with his ministers; mantri-sahitaḥ = counselors; sa-bhṛtyaḥ = and servants; pūjitaḥ tadā = being thus honored; yuktaḥ parama-harṣeṇa = he was extremely happy; vasiṣṭham idam abravīt = he told Vasiṣṭha the following.

Being thus honored with his ministers, counselors and servants, he was extremely happy. He told Vasiṣṭha the following.

Sāmātyaḥ indicates that King Viśvāmitra was accompanied by ministers, that is, those who assisted him by working for him. Mantri-sahitaḥ indicates that he was accompanied by counselors, that is, those who assisted him by counseling him.