Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 53: Śabalā Feeds King Viśvāmitra and his Entourage
Text 1.53.6

विश्वामित्रोऽपि राजर्षिर्हृष्टः पुष्टस्तदाभवत्।
सान्तःपुरवरो राजा सब्राह्मणपुरोहितः॥

viśvāmitro ’pi rāja-rṣir hṛṣṭaḥ puṣṭas tadābhavat
rājā sabrāhmaṇa-purohitaḥ

viśvāmitraḥ api = Viśvāmitra; rāja-ṛṣiḥ = the royal saint; hṛṣṭaḥ = happy [by his hospitality]; puṣṭaḥ = and nourished [by his food]; tadā abhavat = were; sāntaḥ-pura-varaḥ = and the inmates of his inner quarters; rājā sa-brāhmaṇa-purohitaḥ = his brāhmaṇas, priests.

The royal saint, Viśvāmitra, his brāhmaṇas, priests and the inmates of his inner quarters were happy by his hospitality and nourished by his food.