Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 53: Śabalā Feeds King Viśvāmitra and his Entourage
Text 1.53.8

पुजितोऽहं त्वया ब्रह्मन्पूजार्हेण सुसत्कृतः।
श्रूयतामभिधास्यामि वाक्यं वाक्यविशारद॥

pujito ‘haṁ tvayā brahman pūjārheṇa susatkṛtaḥ
abhidhāsyāmi vākyaṁ vākya-viśārada

pujitaḥ aham tvayā = I have been honored by you; brahman = O brāhmaṇa; pūjā-arheṇa = who are worthy of being honored by us; su-satkṛtaḥ = as a guest I have been much respected by you; śrūyatām = listen to me; abhidhāsyāmi = I will tell you something; vākyam = in words; vākya-viśārada = O one expert.

O brāhmaṇa, I have been honored by you. As a guest, I have been much respected by you, who are worthy of being honored by us. O one expert in words, listen to me. I will tell you something.