Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 54: Śabalā Attacks King Viśvāmitra’s Army
Text 1.54.14
न बलं क्षत्रियस्याहुर्ब्राह्मणो बलवत्तरः।
ब्रह्मन्ब्रह्मबलं दिव्यं क्षात्रात्तु बलवत्तरम्॥
na balaṁ kṣatriyasyāhur brāhmaṇo balavattaraḥ
brahman brahma-balaṁ divyaṁ kṣātrāt tu balavattaram
na balam kṣatriyasya = the kṣatriya does not have strength; āhuḥ = learned authorities state that; brāhmaṇaḥ = the brāhmaṇa; balavattaraḥ = is stronger; brahman = O brāhmaṇa; brahma-balam = the strength of brāhmaṇas; divyam = is divine; kṣātrāt tu balavattaram = and stronger than the strength of kṣatriyas.
Learned authorities state that the kṣatriya does not have strength. The brāhmaṇa is stronger. O brāhmaṇa, the strength of brāhmaṇas is divine and stronger than the strength of kṣatriyas.