Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 54: Śabalā Attacks King Viśvāmitra’s Army
Text 1.54.17

इत्युक्तस्तुतया राम वसिष्ठस्तु महायशाः।
सृजस्वेति तदोवाच बलं परबलारुजम्॥

ity uktas tu tayā rāma vasiṣṭhas tu mahā-yaśāḥ
tadovāca balaṁ para-balārujam

iti uktaḥ tu tayā = thus addressed by her; rāma = O Rāma; vasiṣṭhaḥ tu mahā-yaśāḥ = Vasiṣṭha of great fame; sṛjasva iti = create; tadā = then; uvāca = told her; balam = an army; para-balārujam = that destroys the opponent’s army.

O Rāma, thus addressed by her, Vasiṣṭha of great fame then told her: Create an army that destroys the opponent’s army.