तस्य तद्वचनं श्रुत्वा सुरभिः सासृजत्तदा॥
तस्या हुंभारवोत्सृष्टाः पप्लवाः शतशो नृप।
नाशयन्ति बलं सर्वं विश्वामित्रस्य पश्यतः॥
tasya tad vacanaṁ śrutvā surabhiḥ sāsṛjat tadā
tasyā huṁbhā-ravotsṛṣṭāḥ paplavāḥ śataśo nṛpa
nāśayanti balaṁ sarvaṁ viśvāmitrasya paśyataḥ
tasya tat vacanam śrutvā = hearing those words of his; surabhiḥ = Surabhi; sā asṛjat tadā = created an army; tasyāḥ = uttered by her; huṁbhā-rava-utsṛṣṭāḥ = created by the sound huṁbhā; paplavāḥ śataśaḥ = hundreds of paplavas; nṛpa = O king; nāśayanti = destroyed; balam sarvam = the entire army; viśvāmitrasya = of Viśvāmitra; paśyataḥ = even while he was watching.
Hearing those words of his, Surabhi created an army. O king, hundreds of paplavas, created by the sound huṁbhā uttered by her, destroyed the entire army of Viśvāmitra even while he was watching.
“Huṁbhā” is a sound uttered by animals. Paplavas, yavanas and others are varieties of mlecchas.