Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 56: King Viśvāmitra Decides to Become a Brāhmaṇa
Text 1.56.20

ततोऽस्तुवन्मुनिगणा वसिष्ठं जपतां वरम्।
अमोघं ते बलं ब्रह्मंस्तेजो धारय तेजसा॥

tato ‘stuvan muni-gaṇā vasiṣṭhaṁ japatāṁ varam
te balaṁ brahmaṁs tejo dhāraya tejasā

tataḥ = then; astuvan = glorified; muni-gaṇāḥ = the sages; vasiṣṭham = Vasiṣṭha; japatām = of mantra reciters; varam = the best; amogham = is infallible; te = your; balam = strength; brahman = O brāhmaṇa; tejaḥ = the prowess of the brahmāstra; dhāraya = please tranquilize; tejasā = by your glory.

Then, the sages glorified Vasiṣṭha, the best of mantra reciters: O brāhmaṇa, your strength is infallible. Please tranquilize the prowess of the Brahmāstra by your glory.