Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 57: King Triśaṅku’s Desire
Text 1.57.7
विश्वामित्रोऽपि तच्छ्रुत्वा ह्रिया किञ्चिदवाङ्मुखः।
दुःखेन महताविष्टः समन्युरिदमब्रवीत्॥
viśvāmitro ‘pi tac chrutvā hriyā kiñcid avāṅmukhaḥ
duḥkhena mahatāviṣṭaḥ samanyur idam abravīt
viśvāmitraḥ api = Viśvāmitra; tat śrutvā = hearing this; hriyā = in shame; kiñcit = slightly; avāṅmukhaḥ = hung his head; duḥkhena = distress; mahatā = by great; āviṣṭaḥ = and overcome; samanyuḥ = depressed [1]; idam = the following words; abravīt = he spoke [to himself].
Hearing this, Viśvāmitra slightly hung his head in shame. Depressed and overcome by great distress, he spoke the following words [to himself].
[1] manyur dainye kratau krudhi. (Amara-kośa)