Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 58: King Triśaṅku Cursed
Text 1.58.3
इक्ष्वाकूणां हि सर्वेषां पुरोधाः परमो गुरुः।
न चातिक्रमितुं शक्यं वचनं सत्यवादिनः॥
ikṣvākūṇāṁ hi sarveṣāṁ purodhāḥ paramo guruḥ
na cātikramituṁ śakyaṁ vacanaṁ satya-vādinaḥ
ikṣvākūṇām hi sarveṣām = for all the descendant of Ikṣvāku; purodhāḥ = their priest [Vasiṣṭha]; paramaḥ guruḥ = is their supreme guru; na ca atikramitum śakyam = you cannot transgress; vacanam = his instructions; satya-vādinaḥ = for he speaks the truth.
For all the descendant of Ikṣvākus, their priest [Vasiṣṭha] is their supreme guru. You cannot transgress his instructions, for he speaks the truth.
They wanted to convey, “As a descendant of Ikṣvāku, you cannot transgress your priest [Vasiṣṭha].